Archive for June 2012

another term finished!

hi there guys,, its been weeks since i last posted here due to finals week...been worrying with some things...
some things i shouldn't be worrying about!! except for my grades i should be worrying about that!!! hahaha..anyways...there's nothing much going on with me right now..except those things i shouldn't worry about and this term's just wanted to update here...:)

"sepulturero" (grave digger)

independent film
hi everyone..just uploading my videos here..this one is an independent film made by this was my first job ever...for about 7 months...i was the cameraman, editor and the cinematographer..haha..yup i did all that while was hard because i can't get enough sleep while studying but i think it was worth it...i made new friends and new experiences..and i just found out that nothing is easy in this world but you can achieve success if you just work hard for it...

till next time guys


eyeball up...eyeball down

stop motion animation (bouncing) actually this is the very first plate that our group made for our 2d animation class. we used a plexi glass...a type of glass that won't reflect on pictures or the clay will stick on it to have an effect like it is bouncing in the air..or if you want you can use the wall to stick the clay and do your animations but just remember that you are not suppose to move the elements in your screen unless your going to take a picture of it...

thanks for watching


banana man looks back again

Stop motion animation (double-take)
Again this is made by!! yey...okay enough of that actually this banana man looks like our professor in 2d animation but we didn't do it on purpose haha...this one here was taken in our light room or studio room in our school (mapua). did this for two hours excluding the editing part..but the editing part is quite easy you'll just have to use photoshop and the animation window and save it...

hope you like it too...wait for the next one...:)


The boots summoned the bear

Stop-motion Animation (morphing)
this is my favorite among the other videos i've ever done because it's been made by a group, of course including is made of clay and hundreds of pictures...The lighting is not that great because we only took these pictures in a hallway around mapua. if ever you want to make a stop motion animation picture..all you have to do is to have a clay or whatever you want to use as a props, a camera of course it can be an slr or a digicam it's up to you but be sure its a high quality one, owww..and just a reminder...don't move anything if your not going to take a picture of it..because it can affect your animation coz of the positioning.

hope you like it...gonna post some of these later...
