Hey all...

well I'm new here..and..i decided to have a blog to improve my English and my self-esteem...so bare with me...okay so now its time to introduce myself...My name is Marvilyn but most of my friends call me julyn...I'm 5ft and I'm 19..yes I'm small for my age but It doesn't matter...I love performing, singing,and dancing, which i can't do now, because of school...I'm a third year college student in Mapua Institute of Technology and taking up the course of BS Multimedia Arts and Sciences...and specializes in Graphic design...yes i draw,design, and do stuffs..i like making films but decided to take graphics..I got this course by accident..you see i wanted to become a chef but we don't have enough money and everyone in my family is fat :)...except me...and since i like travelling i decided that i want to be a stewardess but i'm too short so goodbye to that dream, and i also like making buildings so i wanted to become an architect but i can't do math...so i ended up taking Multimedia arts with the influence of my aunt which i ended up loving it so far...For me I've got to do cool stuffs, Discover things and many more...less reading materials more on art stuffs...sounds fun? you bet..

but you see...until now i'm not sure if this is what i really want..i'm not even sure of what i want..they say that i can make lots of money in the future if i take this course but there's always a question inside my head that i can't answer...it's "will i be able to do it?" they're putting a lot of expectations and pressure to me because I'm a sister of five and they're expecting me to help them...and i know a lot of graphic designers who doesn't have a job until now...and i'm afraid that after i graduated i may not be able to find myself a good job...

i have dreams and they're simple...A home of my own, and a home for my mother...to travel around the world and see the wonders of it, a stable yet enjoyable job, my own car, the happiness of my siblings, and maybe a family of my own...but i don't know how to make these dreams come true..That's why i put all my cares to God and just believe in His plans for me...it's better to believe in something than nothing...
