Goodevening guys...

just want to tell you something more about me this past few days...weeks actually...i've been searching for a part time job or project or a money making job, well..just because i needed money and for my allowance because you see i'm a sister of five and it's kinda hard for us to budget our money... experience because i wanted to see if i can handle myself alone in the office working and if i can handle stress...which is different from "school stress"... i am somewhat confident with myself...haha..yes somewhat...because i'm still in the process of adjusting myself in a new environment that i'm creating..which is "the new me" perspective in life, new lifestyle( the way i handle myself in situations and the way i eat), new "julyn".

i want a new "julyn" who is a positive thinker, fast learner, never lazy (i hope), trustworthy (not that im not trustworthy but i want to put the word into the next level), and more faithful to GOD.

what i've been doing these past the net for jobs...where? at ,, and in which is by the way still loading...because of the low signal the wifi is giving me grrr....and i've been called for an interview this saturday and i've actually prepared my resume which i whis they'll like and i'm not even sure if it's the appropriate resume for the company i'm applying...i kinda made a little twitch and turns guys.,.wish me luck :)

and i hope someone call me again for another interview...
