Chinese doll inspired of karlo

pen tablet
adobe photoshop cs5

hi everyone...
i made this yesterday wasn't supposed to look like that but as it turns out it became like THAT...haha...karlo is my youngest cousin in my mother's side..the reason i made this is because my aunt told me that he was praying for me every night!! he's only 3 years old and i was touched by the thought that a little angel is praying for me...i think he will be coming here in the Philippines on June...the last time i saw him was when i was in Singapore for a vacation and that was last first he doesn't know me because it was hard for him to say my name (julyn) he keeps on calling me jewel (the name of my younger sister)..then days passed and finally he can say my name..yey!! and from then on i didn't know that he was praying for me until my aunt told me..

Thank you God for giving me an angel to pray for me :) 
one more reason to keep on moving :)

watch out for my artoworks..they'll just keep on coming....soon :)